A gift bouquet made of new currency. Bank of Uganda has warned the public against such practice saying it mutilates the currency

Bank of Uganda (BoU) cautioned the public against any practice that mutilates, defaces, or compromises the integrity of Uganda Shilling currency.

This includes the use of currency banknotes in making bouquets or any like creations, which has become a trend in recent years.

In a statement, the central bank said it is particularly concerned about the use of brand-new banknotes that are stuck together using glue, cello-tape, pins, clips, and other adhesives or fasteners as part of floral bouquets for various social events and gifting ceremonies.

“This practice destroys the utility of banknotes, making them unusable in cash processing and distribution equipment such as cash counting machines and ATMs, which are a critical part of the cash distribution system. It also results in the premature withdrawal from circulation and replacement of banknotes at an avoidable cost to the public,” said the communication director of the bank, Kenneth Agesa.

“The use of currency banknotes in bouquets or other decorative arrangements is not only damaging to the banknotes themselves but also poses a risk to public health.”

Agesa said the adhesives used to bind the banknotes together can release harmful chemicals, and the banknotes can harbor bacteria and other pathogens.

The bank said there are many other ways to give cash as a gift without destroying it.
